Poznaj lepiej nasz region:
Instytucja Samorządu Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego

History of the Museum


The area of the Królewiecki Zoological Garden was chosen as the seat of the museum. The development plan assumed the transfer to its area of the most characteristic buildings for each of the regions included in East Prussia.

Due to the poor condition of the buildings intended for translocation, it was decided to build a copy. In the years 1910-1913, about 20 buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries were built, representing residential, religious, industrial and economic buildings. There were also two archaeological sites on the premises of the museum.

Historia muzeum.

Change of place

Due to the limited area of the Królewiecki Zoological Garden, it was decided to move the objects to Olsztynek, in the vicinity of which there was the Mausoleum of the President of the Reich, Field Marshal Paul Hindenburg, and which became a place of numerous excursions from Germany. The museum of rural architecture was to increase the attractiveness of the area.


Na fotografii chałupa ze wsi Burdajny, fot. Pfleiderer, rok 1937.

Relocation of objects

The translocation was performed in the years 1938 – 1942. Not all objects were successfully moved. From the original design, 12 buildings have been preserved.

Na fotografii litewskie budynki rybackie.


After the war, the facilities were secured. The works were carried out under the supervision of the Provincial Conservator of Monuments in Olsztyn. The expansion of the museum began in the late 1950s.

Na fotografii budowa wiatraka holendra ze wsi Dobrocin.

Giving a name

It was given the name of the
Ethnographic Park
that functioned as a branch of the Museum
Mazurski in Olsztyn.

Na fotografii budowa wiatraka "paltraka" ze wsi Ruska Wieś.

Establishment of a museum

The Ethnographic Park obtained the status of an independent institution under the name of the Museum of Folk Architecture – Ethnographic Park.

Na fotografii chałupa ze wsi Burdajny, 1968 rok.

New objects

Its organizational structures included 2 facilities in the center of Olsztynek: the Exhibition Hall in the former Evangelical church and the tower on the line of the city’s defensive walls, which now houses a museum devoted to the life and work of Krzysztof Celestyn Mrongowiusz – the defender of the Polish language and Polish cultural tradition in Masuria.

Na fotografii budowa chałupy nr 2 ze wsi Kaborno.

Museum as a cultural institution

Since 1998, the Museum has been a cultural institution maintained by the local government of the Province of Warmia and Mazury.

Na fotografii zagroda litewska, rok 1947.

Museum in the Register

It was entered in the State Museum Register kept by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

Na fotografii budowa chałupy ze wsi Nowa Różanka.